Having a dog is like having a built-in best friend. But not every dog is perfect for every human. Different breeds’ care requirements fit better into different people’s lives.
This is something all potential owners have to keep in mind when choosing a dog breed. Out of all the dog breeds, you have to find one you like and one whose requirements you can meet.
Here are five considerations to take before buying a puppy.
1. What Kind of Grooming?
All dog breeds have different grooming needs, and you should know what you’re able to handle. Some dogs are low maintenance and can get a wash at home. Others have coats better handled by professionals.
No matter what breed you choose, you’ll have to put in some work at home. So do some research into how much grooming you’ll have to do daily.
2. Where Will You Get the Dog?
Before bringing a puppy home, you should research where to get your new pet. Will you adopt from a shelter or buy directly from a breeder like Presa Canario kennels?
You can get healthy, happy dogs from both places. And like any decision, both have pros and cons. What’s most important in both cases is that the place you buy your pup is reputable.
3. What’s the Dog’s Temperament?
You should know the general temperament of the breed you’re considering. Are they outgoing, friendly, and love being around people? Or are they territorial, protective, and prone to aggression?
Your potential dog’s temperament should be compatible with not only you but other members of your household, but especially children and other animals and pets. Keep in mind how they’ll act in public around strangers as well.
4. How Much Exercise?
Each breed requires its own amount of daily exercise. Some dogs are active with high energy levels, which leads to lots of playtimes, enrichment activities, and exercise in open spaces.
Other dogs are more laid back and easygoing, needing only a daily walk. It’s important to consider how much exercise they need and if you can fit that requirement into your schedule and lifestyle.
5. What’s the Financial Commitment?
It’s no secret that a dog is a huge financial commitment, no matter the breed or size. Be sure you’re ready to pay for all the supplies, food, toys, licenses, vet visits, and kennel boarding.
These expenses may vary by dog breed. Larger dogs may need more food; certain fur types may need specific grooming; some breeds may be more susceptible to disease.
Comparing financial commitments can help make a decision.
Choosing a Dog Breed That Fits Your Lifestyle
Owning a dog is a lot of fun, but it’s also a lot of responsibility. Since a dog is a living being, it requires the proper care to thrive and be happy. This places a lot of responsibility on the owner, to be honest about what they can handle.
Choosing a dog breed requires research into the kind of care needed for the dog to live a happy and healthy life. With so many types of dog breeds, every owner is sure to find care requirements they can fit into their lives.
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