No one would want to feel the deadly chills of winter in Canada; winter storms hit suddenly most. How would you feel if one fine day you wake up to such extreme weather that you had to cancel your plans? It’d certainly be an inconvenience for you and you might suffer for it. Winter in Canada demands change in lifestyle which can’t be achieved over time. In time preparation for winter will save you trouble and you would feel relieved. Read the article till the end to get five tips on how to prepare for winter:
Clean Lawn Equipment
The lawn equipment is certainly going to be of no use during the winter season, so it’s better to clean them for one last time before you keep them in the store. Be sure to use the entire fuel during your last mowing session because otherwise, the fuel can damage your equipment. If the fuel is still left in it then you can check with the local waste management on how to dispose of the fuel. It is also important to check the blades of the equipment and clean it properly before you store it.
Seal all the Windows and Doors
No one would want to have cold air inside their home during the freezing weather. Winter season means its time to seal all the windows and doors. Insulating foam sealant can be used to seal all the outlets. You can also caulk the windows to prevent leaks and airflow from entering your home. You can also install new door sweeps and hang insulated curtains to keep the environment cozy.
Ice Dams and Snow Removal
Small hills of ice form around the roof of your home. When the heat inside your home escapes outside through the roof, the ice formed there starts melting. This might end up in the formation of the ice dam. The ice dam doesn’t get a place to drain and this leads to the leakage and damage to the house. Another ice-related issue is snow removal. Although there are many options available that have made the ice removing less annoying. However, if you still find the idea of ice removing tiring then you can look for the snow removal services in Calgary and Edmonton.
Inspect the Chimney
Ever wondered what do you like about winters? It’d definitely be sitting near the fireplace with your loved ones. However, it is highly important to have someone inspect the fireplace or chimney as lots of accidents have been reported because of the combustible material present in it or due to obstructions in chimneys. A professional cleaner would clean all the debris and soot that is combustible.
Improve the Ventilation System
Ventilation is important all year round regardless of the season. It is important to open the door for a few minutes to make the environment cross-draught. Improved ventilation gets even important if the residents have any respiratory issue. Using an energy recovery ventilator might help in alleviating the condensation in the environment.