Just like human beings, dogs endure anxiety; this may be unpleasant, but it’s normal. All dog breeds may suffer from anxiety, but the signs vary for each dog. Although fear is something that dogs experience often, if left unchecked, a dog develops an anxiety disorder. Therefore, if not treated, dog anxiety can cause behavioral issues and other complications. Luckily, dog owners can purchase CBD for dogs products for a healthier and less frightened pet.
How do you tell if a dog suffers from anxiety? What can be done to treat dog anxiety? This article will discuss common causes of fear, signs, treatments, and prevention. So, in case you have a frightened dog, you will have all the information to assist.
1. Dog anxiety: Causes
There are various causes of dog anxiety and fear. Some are:
–Aging– Age-related stress is associated with cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) and mostly affects older dogs. In older dogs with CDS, the levels of perception, memory, awareness, and learning deteriorate, leading to confusion and anxiety.
–Separation– Dogs are social animals and thrive in the company for various reasons. Dogs suffering from separation anxiety find it difficult to be comfortable when left alone or separated from family members. The anxiety issue usually manifests in undesirable behaviors like barking, urinating or defecating in the house and destroying furniture
–Fear– This can be due to noise, different/unfamiliar environments, strange people/animals, or visual stimuli, for example, umbrellas, hats/ or surfaces, e.g. wood floors. Some dogs may only have short-lived reactions to these kinds of changes, but they may affect anxious dogs more often.
Early social learning– Socialization or the lack of it can play a significant role in a dog developing fear and anxiety. Therefore, a puppy must be exposed to various people and situations while still young. Sadly, this rarely happens if the breeder lacks information on the benefits of early socialization.
Character-Character determines how a dog turns out to be. Some are timid and require a lot of encouragement to cope with new experiences, but others are more cautious.
2. Dog Anxiety: Prevention
You cannot tell what will trigger anxiety in your dog, but there are methods to help avoid anxiety-related problems.
-Body language- learn to interpret their body language. This will make it easy to tell when the dog is nervous or scared. Body language can also notify you when the dog is anxious.
-Socialisation-Early socialization, when appropriately done, can prevent anxiety in dogs. So, introducing your pet to new people, animals, and environments can make the pet better adjust to different situations.
Obedience- This is an indispensable tool for preventing and handling anxiety in dogs. It lays the foundation of healthy relationships and builds trust. Training makes a dog more comfortable to socialize than an untrained one.
3. Dog anxiety-Symptoms
There are various dog anxiety symptoms to look out for; these are:
-Destructive behavior
-Excessive barking
Some of the symptoms may be due to occasional anxiety but may become recurrent, leading to more severe issues. But, the most dangerous of all is aggression.
4. Dog Anxiety: Treatment
Your vet can assist you in distinguishing the type of anxiety the dog suffers from as well as the possible anxiety treatment plan. Most importantly, the vet should help you to come up with a dog anxiety treatment plan. However, since many factors cause anxiety and fear, the best way to deal with it is through combination training, prevention techniques, and in some cases, dog anxiety medication.
Final thoughts
Most dogs suffer from anxiety at some point. It is the responsibility of the dog owner to ensure that the pet remains healthy. So, they should understand the symptoms of anxiety and always seek help to ensure that the dog stays healthy.