Any gardener will tell you about the joy they receive from their work outdoors. Successful cultivation results in an ongoing cycle of blossoms, fruit, and new life appearing in flower beds.
One worthy addition to any garden is dogwood trees. These are some of the most favored purchases from nurseries across the states. But, they take some close care to nurture them.
Knowing where to plant dogwood will help with its growth. They are sensitive to the sun, and the shade, and need the right levels of each.
Then there is fertilizer. Do you use compost? Can you use chemical fertilizers on dogwoods?
There are plenty of home garden tips and tricks for beginners, and understanding which fertilizers to use is one of them.
What are dogwood trees?
There are many varieties of the dogwood tree, and they range in coloring, the fruit they produce, and the height they can grow to.
The flowering dogwood, also known as the Cornus Florida, is native to North America. As the name suggests, this plant was found thriving in California, and once spread from Maine to Florida and over to the Mississippi.
Another popular variety is the Cornus Kousa or Japanese Dogwood. This tree is native to several Asian countries.
Dogwoods are very attractive when they are in full bloom, and they produce edible fruit – but not for all creatures. One explanation for the name of the plant is that the fruit is toxic to dogs.
What will you gain by fertilizing your dogwood trees?
Any keen gardener will understand the importance of using professional tree care. Trees bring great value to a garden, both financially, and through other means.
Trees add beauty and help with the local ecosystem. Using local tree services here can help your dogwoods to thrive.
Fertilizer is also important to dogwood trees. Carrying out this part of tree care will result not only in improved health for the dogwood, but you will gain something too. Fertilizing dogwoods will result in a far more impressive display of blossoms and fruit than if this task is ignored.
What fertilizer should you use for dogwood trees?
Flowering dogwoods are one of the trees that appreciate coffee grounds. They also like milled peat moss. The reason for this is that dogwoods like the soil to be acidic.
Many experts recommend avoiding chemical fertilizers, and wood mulch for dogwoods. Others say that a 12-8-4 mix is perfect for dogwood trees.
12 refers to the level of nitrogen. One of the effects of nitrogen is to help a plant grow. Although, too much nitrogen can affect flowering.
One thing though, dogwoods should not be fertilized during the first year you have them.
Dogwoods can be tricky to grow, and this may be why there is some debate over the best fertilizer to use. One safe method might be to use organic tea.
What is organic tea?
Just to be clear, you don’t want to drink this. This tea is indeed a kind of brew, but not the tasty kind you might enjoy.
Typical compost tea will be fully organic and contain ingredients such as liquid fish fertilizer, kelp meal, and molasses.
The water used should never contain chlorine, and it should use finished, dark and crumbly, organic compost. One of the steps to making better garden soil is using good organic compost.
When should you fertilize dogwood trees?
Wait until they have grown to perhaps six feet before starting to fertilize. If you are using a 12-4-8 mix then test the soil first.
Dogwoods like very moist, acidic soil. You may need to check that the soil has the correct pH levels, and has the nutrients needed by a dogwood.
You can fertilize dogwoods around March time, then follow up again 3 months later.
Other considerations for dogwood trees
Dogwoods like the sun, and the shade, but in controlled amounts. Too much sun can kill a dogwood, or at the least cause them stress.
It can be a good idea to plant dogwoods in an area where they will get the sun in the morning, but be in some shade when the sun becomes its hottest. Partial shade is a good idea for dogwoods.
They also need moisture. In the summer, the ground can dry out, and dogwoods will need extra care. The ground should never be waterlogged as this can kill the tree, but it should be kept moist.
Many gardeners have their own recipes and ideas for composting and fertilizing. It is therefore entirely possible to make your own fertilizer for your dogwood trees. Online there are many recipes and ideas for just this subject.
Another way to find out how to care for your dogwoods is to seek some advice from an arborist. A local tree care service can inspect your dogwood, and soil, and give recommendations on the care.
Good care of dogwoods will lead to a bounty of beautiful moments when they blossom into life.