If you are enquiring about the theft of a physical cables’ cord that is carrying a service programming as well. Then the answer to it is, yes. The users who faced the constant issue of poor cable services at their end may call the cable service provider to complain about it. When a huge number of subscribers will start calling and a large number of complaints will be registered, a technophile is called on to fix the prevailing issue. The lost piece of the cable, or if it is missing as a whole will be quickly detected by them. Cable services getting stolen may not happen with everyone but while signing up for a cable service provider, the customer must always ensure the quality of the customer service department. Customer support that is quick to resolve and ready to listen can be very handy in case of an eruption such as Mediacom customer service.
What is a stolen cable?
It is the portion of the cord, you cable wire, which is now in someone else’s’ use and there is as such no definite method to identify it. Though there are some manual methods and experts that can identify this that has to be reported in time as they cannot detect from their end. However, the customer should be vigilant to recognize the signs, if there is anything similar taking place.
What can be done to avoid this?
Several systems and companies are using encrypted codes on cards that are the same as bank cards in their combination. In order to steal the service, a card will be required that is accepted by the system. It is not a simple process so thinking about stealing the cable service is not the best idea. Undoubtedly, like other things, there are illegal sales of this, but becoming a part of it can put you at risk and you might end up with legal charges.
What are the common signs to detect if your cable is being stolen?
A thief can steal the signal in numerous ways but if his connection is not comparable to the specific impedance of the CATV network, it can be the cause of reflection on a signal. This will then cause irregularities and distortions in the TV receiver box of the viewer.
Another method used to rob the service could be connecting the cable of the thief to the 300-ohm antenna input of the TV box of the lawful subscriber. This will cause the scattering of the signal and a service specialist will be able to distinguish this signal within a proper range. He can also do this even if he is present in the outer-most area of the user’s place.
How to deal with it if something is detected?
Subscribers residing in the same territory of this issue, and other users should call and report in the more or less same time frame. This will allows the technical team to look into that and identify the symptoms and features of the problem but mapping out a certain connection can be tough. For detection of problems and irregularities, a regular inspection of the devices and instruments is done by the cable company; the problems that could have arisen due to cable theft.
The residents could feel uneasiness due to the fact that only the cable TV rep is able to know the happenings inside even though he is outside and such situations could be alarming or even problematic. Even the people living in the house should be contacted and proper consent should be taken from them. When the scenario is disclosed to them, they understand the sensitivity of this issue and the difficulty faced by other users then they agree to help.
Just as thieves can use many ways to steal the physical or non-physical cable, the cable company is also sufficient at identifying and finding out the ‘stolen’ signal. An unusual hit ratio is seen due to this hi-tech performance. If the telco companies get keen on providing the best customer services and rule out measures to solve the complaints, they are certainly going to be the most valued sector.