What is Acrylic Glass Windows?
You might be wondering if the acrylic glass is any different from normal glass. Rest assured, it is quite different from the standard glass in regards to its formation and structural design. In fact, acrylic glass is essentially a see-through thermoplastic that shares visible characteristics of glass. Therefore, it has been classified as such even though at its core, it is quite different from rudimentary glass.
You may find it interesting to note that these transparent acrylic sheets of plastic are strong and pliable. Therefore, they do not shatter like normal glass.
Plexi glass windows can absorb high amounts of pressure; noticeably more than normal glass. Furthermore, acrylic glass allows more light in than standard glass. As a result, you can see much more clearly through it. That is why you will often find such glass being used in the creation of aquariums and underwater facilities.
Keeping in mind that acrylic glass is an acrylic sheet of plastic, understandably it cannot be treated like normal glass. Therefore, by extension, the cleaning procedure of it also differs from the standard glass.
In order to keep your life simple, we have mentioned below what you should do to clean acrylic sheets easily.
Different Cleaning Methods
The cleaning methodology depends directly on the condition of your acrylic glass. If it is just slightly dirty, then you may be able to clean it by hand very easily. If it is scuffed or foggy, you may need more potent methods of cleaning the acrylic sheet.
Cleaning by hand
If the dirt on your acrylic glass window is minuscule, then you can start by slowly whisking away the particles. Thereafter, make sure you own a high-quality microfiber cleaning wipe or cloth. Using any other standard piece of cloth may scratch or damage the acrylic sheet. Douse your microfiber cleaner in soapy water and gently dab the sheet with it. Then wipe across the surface of the glass with a light hand.
Do not exert excessive pressure while cleaning or you may end up scratching the surface of the sheet. Once you have wiped the surface clean with soapy solution, flip the cloth and clean it with the dry side. This should ideally leave it somewhat shiny. Repeat the process if you spot any streaks of remnant dirt particles.
Things To Avoid
Not every cleaning utensil is compatible with an acrylic glass. In fact, some cleaning items may end up damaging the acrylic sheet and render them translucent instead of transparent.
Be sure not to use a paper towel or tissue paper. Both of them may end up causing scratches on the acrylic glass window. There is no suitable alternative to a soft piece of clean micro-fiber cloth.
Additionally, keep ammonia-based cleaners as far away from the acrylic glass as possible. This includes common household products such as Windex. The chemical composition of such cleaners actively harms the surface of acrylic glass. Therefore, instead of cleaning it, the acrylic sheet will become foggy and damaged.
Advanced Cleaning Methods
If the simplistic cloth cleaning method does not work, you may need to switch to more sophisticated methods. These might be somewhat difficult at first for beginners. However, with enough practice, you will be able to perform them with relative ease.
Scraping Method
This method comes in handy when your acrylic sheet is excessively scratched and is uneven.
You can easily purchase a sharp scraping tool or cutter from any hardware shop. Alternatively, if you are confident that you have a stable hand, you can also use a razor blade. However, we do not recommend doing so, simply because it can be dangerous.
Make sure to wear thin linen or latex gloves while handling the scraper. This will prevent any acrylic debris from sticking to your hand and causing discomfort. Scrape across the surface of the acrylic glass at a somewhat arched angle, not more than 10 degrees. This will ensure that the scrapper does not cut into the acrylic sheet and only clears away the debris.
Undertake this process with extreme care so as not to cause harm to yourself or the acrylic glass. If you have a stable hand, you will find this method largely straightforward.
Sanding Method
For this, you will need a sander. You can use any type of sander although personally, we recommend a hand one. This is because a hand sander should allow you to perform with increased precision. However, you may need to use a belt or disc sander if the size of your acrylic glass is sizeable.
You should begin with rough sandpaper to conduct most of the heavy sanding. Once you have gone over the entire surface with the rough sandpaper, you can switch to a smooth paper. This will leave a smooth finish. However, be sure to keep a light-handed approach. Additionally, make sure that the sander is in constant motion, otherwise, it may end up damaging the acrylic sheet.
Lastly, you must protect yourself with a filter mask respirator to avoid inhalation of flying debris and plastic particles.
Buffing Method
For the best results, buffing should ideally take place after the acrylic sheets have been sanded. However, before you start, make sure that the acrylic glass is being held in place. This is to ensure that it does not move during buffing.
It is also important to use a polishing wheel in proportion to the size of the acrylic glass window. Otherwise, the sheets could experience friction burns and damage. The wheel itself should be covered with muslin to ensure lower temperatures during buffing.
To get the best results, you will have to use an appropriate polishing compound. Overall, the buffing process is somewhat simple but incredibly time-consuming. However, it is this painstaking work that will give you the cleanest and shiniest acrylic glass window.
Flame Cleaning Method
If you want to use a creative method of cleaning the sheets, you may want to purchase a hydrogen-oxygen torch. Be sure to move the torch quickly over the sheet in order to disperse the heat evenly. This will also avoid any potential burns to the surface of the acrylic glass. Do not keep the torch too close to the surface or this may result in the melting of the acrylic.
It is also advisable to wear heat resistant gloves. Remember, you are using a powerful heat emitting tool and so, you should take all safety precautions possible.
It is possible that your acrylic sheet may be too far gone. Perhaps the scratches and debris have damaged the acrylic glass beyond repair. At such times, it is wiser and much easier to replace rather than repair.
You can do so with a simple click of a button by visiting this page.
Here, you will find a plethora of customizable acrylic sheets and windows at extremely attractive prices.
A huge selection of acrylic glass awaits you!
Is the trouble worth it?
You might be thinking whether it is wise to choose acrylic glass over the normal glass. After all, it cannot be cleaned like normal glass and so, maintenance might be problematic. However, nothing could be further from the truth.
The maintenance is fairly simple and can be taken care of quickly if you follow the above guide. Additionally, acrylic glass has its fair share of advantages. It is a better insulator of heat as opposed to normal glass. Simply put, it is better at keeping heat out. Therefore, if you install acrylic glass windows, you may experience cooler temperatures.
Secondly, acrylic glass allows more than ninety percent of light through it. This makes for impressive viewing, especially in underwater environments. Furthermore, it is largely impervious to scratching as opposed to normal glass. Most importantly, it is less likely to break and can take more stress. It does not shatter like glass and so is safer to be around.
Lastly, you may also find it interesting that high-quality acrylic glass is also resistant to ultraviolet rays. Therefore, using them will give you added protection from harmful sun rays.
It is also important to note that plexiglass near me found from Fab Glass and Mirror is overall much lighter than mineral glass.
All in all, acrylic sheets make a pretty impressive case for themselves. That is why it is often easier to replace normal glass with them. They are so effective that sometimes, we forget that it is not actually glass. It is essentially plastic. However, it performs the job description of glass with impressive efficiency.
That is why it is being used widely in multiple environments such as offices, schools, homes and so on. The fact that a form of acrylic glass is used in airplane windows is a testament to its strength. It can quite obviously withstand copious amounts of pressure and still maintain transparency.
In summation, there are plenty of reasons why you should use acrylic glass over the normal glass. At first, it may not be easy to make the switch. But in the long run, the acrylic glass will prove its worth to you with vibrant efficiency.
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