The global pandemic has changed the way that businesses all over the world work. Businesses have been forced to change the way that they interact and communicate with clients/customers and have had to go almost entirely remote in order to protect the health and wellbeing of their employees. From law offices to marketing and advertising agencies, all businesses have been impacted one way or another. However, one particular line of business that has been significantly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic is the home appraising business.
Home appraisals have always been done in-person, meaning that appraisers would visit a property and determine its value based on an evaluation. When the COVID-19 pandemic began, home appraisers had to change the way that they do their job; instead of working in-person, home appraisers began working remotely and doing their job virtually. How? This post will detail how home appraisers are handling the COVID-19 pandemic.
Virtual Home Appraisals
Virtual home appraisals are exactly what they sound like; they are home appraisals done via a video conferencing app/software like Zoom, Facetime, or Skype. Rather than visiting a property to determine its value, appraisers will now do vast research to find the value of a home in the area and then host a virtual appraisal with their client where the client will take the appraiser around his or her property virtually.
Alternative Home Appraisals
Real estate appraisers in Maryland pointed out that there are a number of ways to do a home appraisal including curbside and drive-by appraisals. Both of these kinds of virtual appraisals require the client to take the appraiser around their home via a video conferencing app/software, however, the appraiser does still come to the property. Though the appraiser does not go inside, he or she will still walk around, or at least view, the exterior of the property.
It’s important to note that curbside and drive-by appraisals are best for single homes rather than apartments and high-rise buildings as the exterior of these two kinds of properties will not offer much valuable information.
Are Virtual Home Appraisals the Future of Appraising?
Nobody is sure whether or not home appraisals will remain virtual or not since the COVID-19 itself is unpredictable. However, many appraisers are predicting that their job will remain virtual for the foreseeable future as it makes their job easier and allows them to be more productive since they do not need to drive to various locations.
How Can I Prepare My Home for a Virtual Home Appraisal?
Preparing your home for a virtual home appraisal is the same as preparing your home for an in-person home appraisal. You will need to make sure that everything is working and looks the way it should. Your appraiser will ask you to turn certain home appliances on to ensure they work, so just because they aren’t coming inside your home doesn’t mean that you can get away with broken, damaged, or worn things around your home. Likewise, your appraiser will ask you to get up close to certain parts of a room so that they can make sure it is up to par.
Here are some things to consider when preparing your property for an appraisal, virtual or not:
- Make sure all security and safety equipment is working properly
- Touch up paint around the home
- Make sure all appliances are working
- Make sure all electrical appliances that will remain at the home are working
- Create a clean space
- Replace floors if they are damaged or unattractive
- Make your yard as attractive as possible
- Spruce up the space; even if you aren’t planning to leave your curtains or furniture in a space, sprucing a room up with these things will make your home look more aesthetically pleasing for the appraisal
The Year of Virtual Home Appraising
2020 has been a year vastly different than any other and will go down in the history books as a year unlike any other. For those in the home appraisal industry/field, it will go down in the history as the year of the virtual home appraisal. If you are thinking about getting a home appraisal, it’s important you are aware of what your virtual property appraisal will entail. Keep this post in mind as you plan for your property appraisal in the near future.

About the Author
Jennifer Bell is a freelance writer, blogger, dog-enthusiast, and avid beachgoer operating out of Southern New Jersey.