Gardening is a way for you to be active, help your body, from muscles to the heart and the circulatory system, stay healthy. But what is its effect on mental health?
It sounds ridiculous when a person, who has a psychological instability, grow trees to get rid of his depression, but it turns out to be surprisingly effective.
Do not believe it?
This article will list out the mental benefit of growing plant you should know. Besides, we will also guide you on how to garden effectively without making your problem worse.
What are the profits of planting on human’s mental health?
It’s a way human and nature can harmonize
Nature plays a huge role in human life. That is why people should harmonize nature and urban life. Gardening will make your home space more peaceful, from which the spirit will also be more refreshing and relaxing.
Stress hormone will be eliminated
When your body responds strongly to stressful life issues, the levels of adrenaline and cortisol in stress hormones will increase, boosting your heart rate and inhibiting your digestive system, etc. Gardening will help the body relax more, causing the hormone to decrease gradually.
Gardening will calm you down
When you are in crisis, it is easy to make wrong decisions. That’s because your mind is no longer clear and lucid. Use gardening as a way to focus on other things and temporarily forget the problem that worries you.
It is a safe treatment method for stress
Similar to reading, meditating, watching movies, and traveling, etc., focusing on gardening will contribute to helping your problem be solved safely and effectively. It is completely natural, so there will be no adverse effects on you.
You will overcome pessimism
Gardening not only helps you forget your problems, but it also allows you to approach them from a different perspective. You are no longer tense, which means you will solve them more properly.
Things you should (and shouldn’t) do when gardening
Planting to relieve stress is different from growing beautiful trees. You should choose plants that are easy to live or plants that do not need much water or fertilizer to avoid pressure, fatigue.
Besides, the tree also needs a size that fits your garden or home space.
The last thing is that two are always better than one. Ask someone you love to plant with. Or, you can grow plants and give them to your loved ones. It will make a lot more sense, causing your stress to disappear.
Your stress and anxiety will completely disappear if you persevere in planting every day. The garden will create positive thoughts in your mind, making things easier to solve. If you love this natural solution, don’t hesitate to like and share the article with others. Leave your comment below or click here for more information on therapists available near you.