Several studies [1] have shown that the average Australian home spends about $1200 on electric bills yearly. People with large homes and energy-hungry appliances are going to spend a lot more.
If you are really serious about reducing your electricity bill, chances are, you have visited an electricity comparison site to find the best provider for your budget. Even after doing this, there are further steps you can take to bring your energy bills even lower.
Before we dive into these steps, we will first take a close look at what energy conservation is all about.
What exactly is energy conservation?
Energy conservation is basically the practice of using less energy to save costs and protect the environment. In simple terms, this means using less gas, electricity, and other energy sources.
Effective ways to save energy
Change your light bulbs
In the quest to reduce energy, most people only focus on heavy appliances like heaters, dehumidifiers, just to mention a few. Little do they know that certain light bulbs can consume a lot of energy. Research has shown that incandescent light bulbs consume more power than other bulbs out there.
So if you have them in your home, you should consider replacing them with energy-efficient alternatives like CFLs (compact fluorescent light), halogen bulbs, and LED bulbs, as they use 30-80 percent less power and last longer.
Scrutinize you behavior
It is easy toassume that savingenergy is just about buying energy-efficient appliances. But that is far from the truth, as you can save energy without upgrading your present appliances.
You can reduce your electricity bill simply by turning off appliances when they aren’t in use and by cutting down the time you spend on appliances with high energy needs. So instead of using a dryer, hang your clothes under the sun. Some electricity comparison companies have hacks that can help you manage your appliances better and save costs.
Opt for smart power strips
Leaving your electronics on standby mode is by no means a good idea, as they will continue to use energy. Experts suggest that 75% of the energy expended in most households is consumed from electronics that are on standby.
Smart power strips can help address this problem. They do this by shutting down the power to appliances when they aren’t switched on. With the help of a mast device, you can set your Smart power strip to turn off your appliances at a given time.
Invest in a programmable thermostat
Many smart thermostats on the market are programmable and can easily be set to turn off cooling and heating appliances when you aren’t at home.
Installing a smart thermostat in your home will help eliminate energy wastage without upgrading your HVAC system. Even more, it will help you save up to $180 yearly.
Invest in energy-efficient windows
Experts suggest that windows are one of the main sources of energy loss in Australian homes. They added that it can increase your heating bill by 10-25%.
To reduce heat loss in your home, you have to invest in double-panel windows. If you live in colder regions, gas-filled windows will be an excellent option for you.
Final note
There you have it, some effective way to conserve energy in your home. Remember that adjusting your behavior and being conscious about the appliances you leave running can make a huge difference. Be sure to leverage an electricity comparison company to help you narrow down a provider that is reliable, efficient, and affordable.