Solar energy, it has been argued, could be the best solution to the use of ‘old’ dirty energy. It is renewable and indeed freely available in most places where the sun shines for long enough periods of the day. However, there are also some disadvantages that many energy writers and green power advocates oftentimes neglect. This article will look at both the pros and cons of solar power and discusses how you can engage, interact and use this form of power from an informed position.
Will protect against rising energy costs
Alternative energy has been proven to be cheaper in the long run simply based on the fact that it is essentially free to produce. So as traditional forms of energy for heating, lighting and cooking become more expensive, the alternative sources of energy becoming readily available will provide a great opportunity to make long-term savings on energy costs.
Easy return on the investment in the long term
Yes, there is some outlay to be spent to set the alternative source of energy up in terms of solar panels, wind turbines, and batteries. However, this outlay has been proven to be easily recouped in the long term as long as the system is efficient and regularly maintained.
Protects the environment
One of the main reasons there has been such a drive into alternative energy has been the global realization that non-renewable energy is becoming more costly than it is worth. Alternative sources of energy are being primed as one of the best prospective means to protect the environment, and solar, as noted by, is one of the best ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and consumption.
Initial set up costs
The initial establishment, testing, and integration of alternative energy with existing businesses and homes is a big cost. Getting the solar panels onto the roof and plugged into the batteries and then the house mains can be costly and complicated. This is the biggest disadvantage of alternative energy sources. Wind, solar, and especially hydrogen or nuclear energy all require substantial setup fees. Some will be recouped but will also take years to do so.
Irregular energy source
A great deal of alternative energy supply, specifically solar, is dependent on the weather. So, no sun or no wind means no power once the power that has been stored in batteries has been used up. This is definitely one of the downsides to alternative energy and the one reason that many homes and businesses have to remain plugged into the national grid, to cover them for the times when these alternatives fail.
Space requirements
Both roof space, garden space, and indoor space for controls and energy storage have become major stumbling blocks for the widespread use of solar as an alternative energy. The need for storage in the form of massive batteries or vast amounts of batteries have been one of the most noted disadvantages of alternative energy such as solar.
The rise of alternative energy has now hit the mainstream, and the ability to plug back into the main power grid and be paid for additional power generation that your home or business is not using is becoming a normal possibility for businesses and homes that have chosen to go greener. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of all alternative sources of power is going to be critical for all of us. This article was a step in this direction, with specific regard to solar.