The sweet sight of a pond in your garden will attract dragonflies, turtles, frogs, and other wildlife near your house. But creating a pond in a garden requires a lot of work and money. It’s not easy to trim a huge EPDM liner into a custom shape. To create an L shape from a huge EPDM liner, you will waste more time than you need or want to. It’s better to just buy the best pond liners on the market, slice them into two and join the liners together.
You are here to learn how to splice pond liners together. By the end of this guide, I am sure you will become an expert in it.
Step 1:
Before you start working with acetone and primer, put on your gloves and safety goggles. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Step 2:
Lay the pond slicer on the ground and overlap the two by 4 to 6 inches where you want to join them.
Mark the edges of the top pice in the bottom piece. Draw another line from the first line. Make sure that it’s not more than 3 inches. It should be around 7 to 9 inches from the bottom liner edge.
Step 3:
Fold the liners back. Take out the acetone and use it on a rag. Make sure to completely wipe the surface of the liners where they overlap. Now you need to wait till the acetone dries out.
Step 4:
Where the liners overlap, brush the primer, or the activator around them. Make sure to cover at least 5 inches wide.
Don’t touch the primer, let it dry out. Your package should have the info about how long the primer needs to dry.
If the temperature is around 75-85 degrees Fahrenheit, then it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes for the primer to dry. If you are doing it in a cold or humid area, then it might take more than 30 minutes. Temperature is the key here.
Step 5:
Roll the pond sealer tape onto the bottom liner, make sure to roll it 1/2 inches inside the chalk line. Use a brayer to brush it down and perfectly seal with the primer. The brayer will make sure there aren’t any air gaps between the tape and primer.
Step 6:
Flip back the top liner on to the bottom liner. Make sure the tape is completely covered. You can leave one end of the tape folded to easily access the tape.
Step 7:
At a 45-degree angle start peeling off the tape’s backing. After you start removing the tape backing, place the liner around the top corner and gently push it down to make sure they are tightened in nicely. Don’t force the liner, gently put it over the.
Step 8:
Now you need to burnish the top layer of the liner with a roller brayer. Like before, gently start burnishing it. It will eliminate any air gape between the two. If there are air gaps left inside the liners, then you will see leakage in the future.
Burnishing will take some time, it’s totally worth it.
Step 9:
Remember the 2nd line? Brush the primer on to that line. In a 6 inches wide swath, let the primer to cool down to touch.
Step 10:
Place the cover tape backing side down. Gently start to pull down the backing at a 45-degree angle. Press the cover tape adhesive further down. It will increase the bond.
Step 11:
Burnish the cover tape edges and eliminate any bubbles.
You are done. With this method, you can make a pond in any shape you want.