Not sure what to do if you find mouse droppings in your home? Today, we will be going over the four steps that you need to take when you find mouse droppings.
Identify the Droppings
First, you need to identify what pest it is. You might assume it’s mouse droppings, but it might not be from a mouse. To understand mouse droppings, they often look like black grains of rice. However, they can often be different pests as well. For example, rat droppings are going to look similar, but they will be bigger and longer. You might also see roach droppings, and those are going to look like pepper specks or ground up coffee. Once you identify the droppings, the next thing you need to do is identify the location.
Identify the Location
Depending on the pest, it can vary where droppings can be found in your home. Mouse droppings are typically found in the kitchen area where there is access to food. Therefore, you might find them in your cupboards, food pantries, and around appliances. You might see droppings in around your heater or someplace where they can take shelter and be warm.
Unfortunately, many people sweep up or vacuum the droppings, and don’t do anything else. However, that could be causing other problems as well. The droppings could be leaving allergens in the air or spreading numerous diseases through their droppings. So, anytime you find droppings or clean them up, you’re going to want to sanitize the area. Another thing to be concerned about is vacuuming the droppings up.
This could be releasing the content into the air as you vacuum them, so be careful when cleaning them up. When it comes to mouse droppings, it’s recommended to sweep them up and then sanitize the area around the droppings to make sure your home is safe and clean. When you’re cleaning up, be sure to wear gloves, use soap and sanitizer to cleanse the area thoroughly.
Removal of the Pests
Identifying pests can even be a challenge for professional control companies at times. When it comes to mice and rodents, they breed extremely fast, so a small problem can become larger quickly.
So if you’re looking to get your mice infestation under control, it’s suggested to reach out to a pest control company. Make sure you identify them as the right pests; that way, the pest control service knows how to treat your problem. One of the things is to seal their entry points. There is nothing worse than getting rid of the existing problem to have it come back again in a week or two.
Some common entry points can be underneath doors, broken windows or screens, and vents. This is essential during the winter months. These pests will be looking for every opportunity to get out of the cold and into your home.
In Summary
It can be hard for skilled professionals to narrow down what kind of pests are based on the droppings alone. Therefore, it can be even harder for you to do it on your own, so if you have a rodent problem, you should contact your local pest control service at