No matter if you are a professional tailor or you are pursuing sewing as your hobby. There are certain sewing items that you can’t do without. In this article, we will help you learn about different sewing supplies that will make your sewing task hassle-free and convenient.
Sewing is as important as cooking, and it is important to have your tools ready before you start sewing. If you are a beginner, we don’t want you to get stressed thinking about the needed supplies for sewing. Thus, we have discovered a comprehensive list so that you can have every little tool and supplies with you before you start the new sewing project.
Measuring tape
The reason most people visit a tailor is to get a perfectly fitted outfit. Thus, a measuring tape is a must item that you need to have in your drawer if you want to help your customers get a perfectly fitted outfit. Try to make sure that the measuring tape is of good quality and it’s flexible to offer body measurement for all sizes of people.
Sewing machine needles
Most beginners don’t know, but sewing machine needles come in a variety of sizes and types. Most machine needles are replaceable. For all sewing machine buffs, it is also important to have a detailed understanding of the type of needles. Different needles have different ways of inserting and removing. Thus, check the specification as well as details about the sewing machine needles to get the perfect needle as per your choice.
Hand sewing needles
Just like the machine needles, the hand sewing needles are also available in different sizes and types. Different types of tasks like cross-stitching, embroidery, and hemming require different types of needles. Thus, make sure to have these needles with you so that you don’t have to search for them at the last minute.
Sewing is not all about fabric, needles, and threads. You also need a good pair of scissors to complete your sewing task efficiently. Dull scissors may not get you a perfect cut to your fabrics. Thus, try to know about different types of scissors and keep them in your drawer to get a perfect cut of the fabrics. Different fabrics may need different scissor types. Thus, you need to invest in a quality scissor.
Rotary cutter
If you are also involved in quilting tasks, you need to have different sizes of rotary cutters. Whenever you have to deal with different layers of fabrics, it is important to use rotary cutters. You will also need a rotary mat to lay your fabrics appropriately.
Rotary mat
This mat is specially designed to help tailors in cutting fabrics by using rotary cutters. This mat also has printed measurements that can work as an alignment guide.
Tailor’s chalk
These chalks are specially designed for sewers. These chalks help by creating temporary marks on fabrics. Thus, make sure to invest in quality chalks in different colors so that it can work with fabrics of different colors.
Straight pins
The main function of a straight pin is to add patterns to the fabric. It is also used in holding the rolled edges before you start sewing the fabric. You can choose different types of straight sewing pins as per your choice.
You can’t start your sewing project without a needle and a thread. But, if you want to work professionally, try to have different colored threads. In addition to the color of the thread, it is important to use threads in different varieties like silk, polyester, and cotton.
Tool kit
For all sewers, it is important to keep all sewing supplies in a proper place. A sewing tool kit can help you in keeping all tools and supplies in a single place. If you don’t want to invest in a big tool kit, you can also use a basket, bah, or a container to keep all your supplies. The tool kit will enable you to organize everything with maximum ease.
Seam ripper
A seam ripper is one of the essential tools that you need to have. It is mainly used to get rid of the undesirable stitches. Thus, if you want to get rid of stitches without ruining the fabric, make sure to have a quality seam ripper.
The pincushion will help you to store sharp needles and pins appropriately. If you have a kid or a pet at your home, the pincushion can be a great choice.
Bobbins can be seen in sewing machines. If you purchase a sewing machine from the platform, you will get a few extra bobbins in the package. The main task of a bobbin is to feed the thread at the back of the stitches.
With all these sewing supplies and items at your bay, you are ready to start your sewing project with maximum ease. Let us know if you want to get details about sewing supplies, or you want to add other sewing supplies to the list.