If you visit any vintage styled house, you will be astonished to come across massive corner pantries. However, today, people are opting for other options such as wall cabinets and portable cupboards. Still, the experience of having a corner pantry in the house is unmatchable. Especially if you have plans to eliminate traditional cabinets from the house. Before you decide to settle for a certain pantry type, let us guide you through some of its intriguing benefits:
1. Caters For All Items in The House
The first and most obvious benefit of a corner pantry is, it can suffice for all your storage needs of the house. For instance, if you want to put all the cleaning equipment in one place, a pantry can easily contour the brooms, boxes, and small appliances, however, despise stalking the pantry with a lot of stuff if it doesn’t have enough space. Because modern pantries are small, there is a limited amount of stuff; you can adjust them. Visit Kaboodle corner pantry to get some DIY ideas.
2. Great Way to Hide Unwanted Items of The House
There are many items in the house, which probably no one wants to be around. Especially if you talk about the kitchen, there are several items such as cleaning accessories and stained dusting cloths, which you would never want the guests to see. Fear not because the corner pantry in the house will encapsulate all of such stuff easily. With a lot of emphasis on making a house look classy these days, corner pantry is here to stay.
3. No Need For a Wall Corner Cabinet
The intriguing thing to not forget about a corner pantry is, it can easily eradicate the need for any wall cabinet in the house. This is more of a striking advantage as it will cut down on the cost factor and save space as well. A typical corner cabinet can cost around $500 with several maintenance charges throughout the year. With a corner pantry in the house, you will easily be able to departmentalize all stuff in the house.
4. Less Costly
One of the common reasons why a lot of people are opting for corner pantry is, it is cheap and easy to build. As compared to hiring craftsmen in the house and spending a lot of money on the archaic procedure of building a wooden cabinet, you can simply go to the market and look for a second-hand piece. Bring it to your home and paint it with whatever color you like. Secondly, because corner pantries are easy to maintain, one doesn’t need to spend a lot of money throughout the year just to refurbish them.
5. Better For Your Spine
The modern corner pantries are engineered in a way, they don’t cause any damage to your spine. If you compare using a traditional cabinet in the house, you will have to bend frequently to take out stuff or put something inside. In severe cases, people can engage in arthritis and several other notorious health conditions. Luckily, a corner pantry can be customized according to your needs and placed at a certain height from the floor for your convenience.