Florida has 59 unique species of spiders, from poisonous spiders to giant spiders. You can find them in your yard, gardens, homes, and businesses. Some spiders are harmless, and can even benefit you since they’ll eat bugs.
But some spiders in Florida can be more problematic than the others. Here are three common spiders you can find in Florida. Read on to learn more about how to identify them and whether they’re potentially harmful.
1. Black Widow
The black widow is a poisonous spider found in Florida. You can recognize female black widows for their red, hourglass-shaped mark on their abdomen. In contrast, the black male widows are dark gray or brown with a white or yellow hourglass shape.
The good news about black widows is that they rarely attack and bite humans. The venom of the black widow can be 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom.
However, dying from a black widow’s bite has significantly decreased since the discovery of antivenom. You can find the black widow hiding in woodpiles, decks, barns, sheds, and even meter boxes.
2. Brown Recluse Spiders
The brown recluse spider is one of the most poisonous spiders in Florida. Its most defining feature is the dark violin marking on its light brown back. You may also notice the absence of hair that differs from other brown spiders such as the funnel weaver or wolf spider.
The best way to identify the recluse spider is by observing the number of eyes. Most spiders have eight, but the recluse spider only has six eyes arranged in pairs. The brown recluse spider’s venom can cause severe allergic reactions in children, the elderly, or those with medical conditions.
The bite will swell and turn red, which becomes dry with a blister in the center. You can find brown recluse spiders in warm, dry, and dark environments. They love to stay in attics, storage rooms, garage, sheds, and woodpiles.
3. Daddy Long Legs
You can easily recognize this common spider by its long legs. It’s one of the main big spiders in Florida known as the daddy long legs. They have a fused body with no distinct head or abdomen.
Daddy long-leg spiders are harmless, but they can create a cluster in your home. These spiders prefer to hide in tree trunks, sink cabinets, closets, and ceilings. You can also find them in damp places like the basement or windows.
Daddy long-leg spiders have big nests, so you need to call for spider control.
Most Common Spiders in Florida
Do be careful of these spiders if you live or plan to move to Florida. Try not to approach the spiders in Florida and instead call for professional help to remove spiders. Be careful of any bites and head to the clinic or hospital for a checkup.
But there are other spiders and animals to discover! Don’t stop learning here! Learn more about other amazing creatures by reading our other lists and guides right here!