Roaches may be in your house for long before you sight the critters. Even if you’ve been so particular about the tidiness of your living space, or you’ve always kept your doors and windows closed. This then brings you to wonder what it is you’ve done wrong.
Sometimes, you don’t own the blame. Cockroaches can make their way into your apartment via different routes. Considering their small size, they creep into the most obscure corners. But since they don’t bite, why then should you worry? The reason to be bothered is pretty apparent. Roaches are capable of causing incredible damage to properties and compromising human health.
Why do you have roaches in your apartment? Here is how they probably got in.
Exterior Wall Cracks
If there are cervices in your exterior walls or your foundation, that can be an invitation to roaches. Due to their flexible exoskeleton, a crack as narrow as a one-eighth inch is enough for some species to pass through.
In this case, you’ll need to seal up your wall gaps. Copper mesh, caulk, steel wool, etc., are effective sealants.
Drainage and Air Conditioning Units
Cockroaches crawl through pipes and ventilation units from the exterior to get into your home. This can be a problem when you have these plumbing works exposed. Since the entries are often warm, they can seek shelter in them during cold weather.
Installing metal baskets above your shower drains and sinks will stop them. Also, close unused bathroom or laundry sinks as you keep these drains regularly clean.
Newspapers, cardboards, and magazines are common household materials roaches feed on. If you have them littered around in your home, they’ll surely stay. Moreover, papers absorb the pheromones they use to communicate with one another. This promotes their relationships and makes them organize themselves.
The remedy to this is simple! Dispose of old paper-like items lying around your apartment. Since there’s the electronic media option for keeping files, you don’t need to stack documents in your home.
Beneath Doors
Some doors have enough space between their frames for cockroaches to wobble through. The light ray coming from these gaps can also be attractive to some species.
Replace white lamps around doorways with colored LEDs to lessen ray invitation. Don’t forget to also block the gap under the door.
Fabrics and Personal Items
Roaches may hang around your clothing and other items like your purse, handbag, briefcase, etc. Sometimes, they stick their eggs in these accessories, and they hatch afterward to increase their numbers.
Since it’s practically impossible to look through these items, it’s best to keep them regularly clean. Most especially to prevent harboring their eggs.
Do you have a place in or outside your home where you store logs? Be watchful for cockroaches because they also find these woods pleasant to live around.
To prevent their invasion, ensure your firewood store is meters away from your home. And if you’d bring some woods inside, be sure they’re those you’d use up immediately.
Have you noticed several cockroaches in your home? It’s about time to take action. With proper pest control solutions, your property can be free of these unwelcome visitors. Find out more info today.